Friday, October 9, 2009

Announcing the Fuzion Blog!

Hey guys!

Here is the official Fuzion blog! Tell your friends about it on facebook, twitter, email, MXit, the works! You can either direct them to our website: or you can give them the link to our blog directly:

The purpose for the Blog is mainly to give you, the legend "young" people of God, some food for your spirits! We are spiritual creations born from above, and those spirits need feeding to grow. And on this Blog myself and other Fuzion mentors will post encouraging devotional articles based on God's Word to help you understand the Bible, and who you are in Christ! And we will hopefully post on a regular basis! If not every day, at least 2 or 3 times a week.

God set our spirits on fire on the Fuzion Camp! Some of our spirits were born for the very first time! Jesus said in John chapter 3 that no man can see the Kingdom of God unless He is born from above. Born of the Spirit. God is Spirit, and He gives birth to our spirits! And He is the One who feeds our spirits!

Now we need to keep our spirits burning with His Holy Fire! One of the ways is to be filled with His Word empowered by His Holy Spirit. That's where this Blog will help. What read here will hopefully help in fanning into flame the Fire God set in all our hearts.

We also need to encounter Him regularly! Get in His Presence and let Him cover us in His Liquid Love over and over! We can never get enough of God! We must continue living in His Presence.

So, come back regularly, and tell all your friends about it. Post comments on what you think, or if you have any questions, post them in the comment section, and we will get back to you.

You guys are all amazing. Corinne and I are so proud of you all. We love you!

One Love in Him, the Author of Love.



  1. Oh yeah! This is going to be awesome!! Hey! I'm the first to comment!! OH YEAH!!!

