Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keep Filling Up With New Wine!

Mark 2:22
"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins."

The Bible often describes the Holy Spirit as wine. (Ephesians 5:18). Do you know why that is?

Because wine represents joy, happiness, celebration! Did you know that the first miracle Jesus ever performed was turning old, muddy water into perfect new wine!? Go read it for yourself in John chapter 2.

Do you know that that is a picture of us? We were once like old, muddy water, but Jesus changed us completely, and by His Grace He filled us with the Person of the Holy Spirit, and changed us into brand new people of joy and life! Wow!

Now, this Scripture in Mark 2 is telling us something... It is telling us that we need to keep the wine flowing. We cannot just live on what God did yesterday. When Jesus said "new wine", He was talking about freshness. New things. Keeping things fresh!

We should be allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us freshly on a regular basis. Because without Him, life will become dry, dull and depressing. Life can get us down, and the only source of True Joy and Happiness is found in the Holy Spirit! And every time we encounter Him, He reveals to our hearts the amazing Love of God only found in Christ Jesus!

So, I want to encourage you today; make time with the Holy Spirit as often as possible. He is God. And God is Love. He will reveal to you God's Love and Joy so deeply to your hearts that you really will become a new person!

Maybe some time in the future we can talk about how that works practically.

God bless you guys! Keep loving Jesus!

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