Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Do You Become Righteous?

Romans 3:21-23
21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

I often have people come to me and ask how they can become more righteous. They want to know if there is some special method that they can apply that will help them become better people. I don't have that method. But I can offer you something better... a cure!

I just want to remind you that by putting your faith in Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, you are made 100% righteous!

Righteousness is not a word that can be measured.

It's like when you wash a car; when is it clean? It may be cleaner than what it was, but when it does it officially become clean? If you search and look hard enough, you will always find dirt somewhere, be it on the inside or the outside. There is no definition of "clean".

It's the same with righteousness. You can't be a little bit righteous. It's either you are or you aren't. Because if you think that you are righteous by how much good you do, I guarantee you there will be something somewhere inside you that isn't. No matter how small.

Jesus was the only human to ever walk this planet to be righteous. 100%. Inside out. Not an ounce of dirt anywhere.

He then went to the Cross, and took upon Himself EVERY sin ever committed, and ever to be committed!!

What happened on the Cross was a divine, supernatural exchange.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5 that Jesus, who had NO SIN, BECAME SIN ITSELF, so that you and I, and everyone else who accepts His free gift of Life, can become RIGHTEOUS. In fact, we become RIGHTEOUSNESS ITSELF. We become like Jesus from the inside out.

That's Grace my friend!! That's why it's called Grace!! Because we don't deserve such a gift! It is the greatest gift of all time!

If you are trying to BE more righteous, I want to tell you right now that if you have received Jesus as your Saviour, you have already been made 100% RIGHTEOUS!!

You have been justified freely!! You have been redeemed!! Nothing you can do can ever make you UNRIGHTEOUS EVER AGAIN!! You are RIGHTEOUS!! You are the righteousness of God!! WOW!! No matter who you are!!

Don't try. Just stop a while, thanking God for His incredible gift in making you righteous that allows you to enter His Presence, and come into His Presence, and draw from His Strength that will empower you to be all that He has called you to be in this world!

Go for it! And don't let anyone hold you back!! God has great things for you!

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