Friday, October 8, 2010

A Letter From James

Hey Fuzionites!

In case you're wondering, a Fuzionite is like an Israelite. In the same the people of Israel were called "Israelites", the people of Fuzion are called "Fuzionites". You see? Because we are the new people of God! Zion is the new Mountain of God, and we are the future of Zion. The future of God's people is in our hands, we are Fuzion!

Now, I am sorry that we haven't done anything on the blog for a very, very long time. But I think its time we started getting back into it... what do you say? (Please place your comments at the bottom and let me know)

So, our big project right now for Fuzion is trying to raise as much money as possible to get to Singapore and visit Joseph Prince's church and youth group. We plan on going in the first week of December, this year.

Now, I am aware that there are some people who say it is unfair that we are doing so much work but only 20 people are going on this trip to Singapore. I just want you all to know that I sincerely wish I could take you all, but practically, it is just downright impossible. Firstly, we wouldn't fit you all on the plane! And secondly, we believe God has set it up that the right people are going at the right time.

There will be many other opportunities like this in the future for each and every one of you to be part, that others might not be part of. Trust me!

And this is where I ask you... Trust me. Sometimes, that is all a leader needs, the trust of his people. Do you trust Corinne and I? Because of you don't, then you're going to get upset with us when we make certain decisions and other things. But if you do, then you can be part of building a significant ministry (Fuzion) that is going to impact the entire world with this Awesome Gospel!! But you need to make the decision to trust Corinne and I.

So, if you are not one of the people going on the trip to Singapore, then just trust us. Corinne and I have prayed and we believe that the right people need to come. As it stands, our target is for the Fuzion Shepherd team, and the Fuzion band to join us on the trip to Singapore. There are one or two other people who have approached us, but they are trusting God for their own ticket and finances.

It is really hard for us, to say "OK, we're paying for you, but not for you." Because, actually, right now, we don't have enough money to pay for 10 people to go! But the truth is, we had to make these tough decisions. All I ask is that you, as a Fuzionite, would trust Corinne and I. Please.

This trip is going to benefit you in a big, big way. Whether you go to Singapore or not. Because the people that come back will be so inspired, so full of dreams, that Fuzion is truly going to go to a whole different level in 2011! And you will get to be part of that.

So just trust us right now. Corinne and I both love you all so much. Like you have no idea. Corinne and I count ourselves privileged to lead you guys. There isn't anything else we would want to be doing right now, but seeing you all enter the fullness of God's purposes for your lives! And they are big purposes! All of you!

Pray for us. Help us. In whatever way you can. And do it for the bigger picture. Not to just get recognition, or hope you might get to Singapore. Just do it for God's purpose. Do it for Fuzion. We so super appreciate it. Right now, we need all the help we can get.

You guys are awesome, and we so look forward to miracles in 2011.

Lots and lots of love,


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