Monday, November 9, 2009

Fear Is NOT From God!

1 John 4:18
"There is no fear in Love. But perfect Love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment."

Do you ever feel like you're not worthy enough to come to God? Do you feel like you might not make it as a Christan, because you could make too many mistakes? Or maybe you feel like you'll never reach God's purposes for you? Or! Maybe you're afraid that God knows all your sins and they're all going to be revealed one day in Heaven!?

I want to tell you that ALL these fears are NOT of God!

God IS Love! And there is NO fear in God! Why? Because His Perfect Love drives out any fears you may have.

The devil wants you to believe you might be punished in whatever small or big way, because when you believe you're going to be punished, you'll become afraid. And when you're afraid, you'll withdraw from God.

But when you realise that God is Love, you won't fear at all! Fear is from the devil!

Let's just deal with those questions I have listed above...

Do you ever feel like you're not worthy enough to come to God?
God tells you that He has made you worthy by the Sacrifice of His Son! You can come BOLDLY to His Loving arms because He has made you worthy. Not by your effort, but by His Grace!

Do you feel like you might not make it as a Christan, because you could make too many mistakes?
This is a lie from the devil! ALL your sins have been forgiven! Past. Present. AND FUTURE! All have been forgiven! Sure, you're going to make mistakes along the way. But who cares!? How does that affect your relationship with God? IT DOESN'T! You can come BOLDLY to Him no matter what! Just lift yourself up from those mistakes, come into His Presence, and be transformed in that place to become an ever better person reflecting His Glory!

Do you feel like you'll never reach God's purposes for you?
The Bible says to "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4). When you realise God's unconditional Love for you, it will delight your inner most being. Your spirit. It will be the reason you live. And when you live from that revelation, God will ordain what He has planned and purposed for you. He WILL do it. Don't you worry!

Maybe you're afraid that God knows all your sins and they're all going to be revealed one day in Heaven!?
This is one of the biggest fears Christians have today! For some reason, people think that when we get to Heaven, there is going to be a "big screen" showing everything we ever did in our lives, including our sins. But that goes against Scripture! The Bibles tells us (regularly) that under the New Covenant, GOD REMEMBERS OUR SINS NO MORE!! How often? NO MORE! NONE! FINISHED!

So if God will NEVER remember our sins, why would He show them again when we get to Heaven? It contradicts His Promise!

I want to tell you my friend, ALL your sins have been dealt with at the Cross! And because of that, you can live confidently knowing that God Loves you no matter what! And now you can live boldly, knowing that God is pleased with you all the time! And when you live with that revelation, you can't help but live a life reflecting His Glory!


So don't you worry about a thing! Any fears you have are NOT of God!

The only fear we have in God is a reverential fear of worship. But this is a POSITIVE fear. And a different subject altogether! Basically it means that when you see how big God is, and what He has done for us, and how much He Loves us, you will stand in awe! That is reverential fear. It's a positive fear.

Any negative fear is of the devil. Because God is Love, and there is NO Fear in Perfect Love!

Live confidently today under the smile of Heaven. It will change your life, my friend.

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