Thursday, December 17, 2009

The LORD is Your Righteousness

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

When you stop focusing on yourself, and your own efforts, and how much you can do for God, and instead look at Jesus and what He has done for you, you will be amazed at how doors open!

It is amazing how the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness are linked together. When you find the Righteousness of God as your very own, you are aligning yourself with the Kingdom of God. You are naturally making Him first by saying I can't be righteous by my own self-effort, I can only be righteous because of Jesus' free gift that He paid for on the Cross! God delights in that, my friend. Because it brings Him Glory!

And when you align yourself with the Kingdom of God like that, you will be amazed at the doors of opportunity that will fling wide open. You will find yourself preaching in amazing places, you will find yourself getting that perfect job you needed for the holidays, you will find yourself getting good marks at school, you will find strong friendships with quality people will open up... and SO MUCH MORE!


Because when you find the Righteousness of God, you find His Kingdom. And when you find His Kingdom, God will provide for you everything you need and more! God is not the God of enough. He is the God of the "more than enough"!! When the disciples went out fishing, He told them to cast their nets on the side of the boat and they caught so much fish their nets couldn't hold them all!! That's our God! He wants to meet your every need and more!

But stop trying in your own effort. Yes, you do need to be righteous. But stop trying so hard to BE righteous, when in fact Jesus has already made you righteous! It is unbelievable!!

Have a look at this awesome Scripture in Jeremiah 33:16...
And this is the name by which He will be called: 'The LORD is our righteousness.'

Do you see that? The LORD (Jesus) IS your righteousness!! WOW!! He will establish you! He has finished it in the Cross!! It is finished! It is done! Now live in this liberating Truth! And watch how He will guide your life in every step as you seek Him more and more!

I want to pray for you right now...

Oh Father,

thank you so much for sending Jesus, your Son. What a gift. What grace! Oh wow! Thank you that by His sacrifice we CAN be righteous before You!

And I pray right now that every person reading this would have a supernatural revelation of their righteousness imparted by you oh God! Holy Spirit, reveal the work of Jesus to your people!

That they may live lives reflecting your Glory!

In Jesus Mighty, Holy Name!


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